Friday, June 25, 2010

4514 Westwood Square W, University Place, WA 98466

Hey everyone!  I was so inspired by this home I photographed yesterday that I decided to start a blog.  Hopefully it will give more exposure to the homes that I shoot, my clients, affiliates, and of course, me ;)

It was a beautiful day yesterday and the lighting was just right when I arrived at the house.  The sun was dropping to the west (of course) just behind the house making for excellent exterior shots.  It flared briefly over the top of the fence providing me with a short window of opportunity to nab a sweet pic of the french doors opening up into the backyard.  It was very rewarding shooting this cozy, French-style home as it once was the most run-down home in the neighborhood. As a matter of fact, the neightbors who saw me walking in appeared relieved that the place was finally no longer an eyesore and once again upheld to the neighborhood standards.  A woman came by to peak into the window because she was excited to see how the remodeling went.  I can affirm, it went WELL. This house has so much character I can't imagine how it would not sell fast.  Enjoy the shots, and be sure to contact Regina if you know of anybody who might be interested!

Stager: Molly Smith Designs (